What is an ANBI status?

Justice by Education Foundation obtained the ANBI status. This means that an organization is registered with the Dutch tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (PBO). An institution can only be an ANBI if its organization’s efforts are at least 90% committed to the public benefit. Only those institutions designated as an ANBI can take advantage of the tax benefits in the areas of donation, inheritance, and deduction of gifts. You can read more about it here.

The Benefits

More money to the cause
An ANBI does not pay inheritance tax or gift tax on inheritances and gifts that the institution uses for the common good.
Tax advantages for donors
Donors to an ANBI may deduct their donations from income or corporate taxes.
Integrity of organization
An ANBI has no profit motive with all its public benefit activities. The institution and the people directly involved meet the integrity requirements.
Transparent operations
An ANBI complies with administrative requirements and must publish certain information on its website.

Our information

Name of institution
Justice by Education Foundation
CCI number
RSIN number
IBAN number
BE75 9674 8262 2351
Contact information
Post: Klokpoort 56, 2312 CX Leiden, Nederland
Email: contact@justicebyeducation.com
Goal of institution
The aim of the institution is to provide equal opportunities in education for people from disadvantaged backgrounds, to become more independent, develop better social skills and have greater opportunities to participate in the economy and society as a whole.
Board of Directors
President: Mikaël Waterdrinker
Treasurer: Pauline Ogier
Secretary: Miriam Pazos
Remuneration policy
The foundation has no profit motive with all its public benefit activities. Board members perform their duties unpaid and on a voluntary basis. Remuneration for directors is limited to an expense allowance.
The foundation maintains and reports its records annually on the website in the form of a policy plan, annual report and financial statements.


Policy Plan

2023 - 2026  

ANBI publication


Annual Report


Financial Statement

2022       2023