Our story

We recognise that educational inequality is one of the most critical challenges of our time, which is why we created the Justice by Education Foundation.

The foundation's origins trace back to 2020 when Maikel Waterdrinker was teaching at a university in Puebla, Mexico. During visits to disadvantaged areas, he noticed a strong desire among locals to learn and practice English. Given that the neighborhoods were difficult to reach, and traveling for educational purposes was not a priority, he conceived the idea of EduCar, a mobile classroom designed to reach communities and provide English education to those who need it the most. Ideas only become reality with the establishment of a foundation. So therefore lawyers Pauline Ogier and Miriam Pazos joined the board. With their experience in non-profit organizations and expertise in project management, financial oversight, and advocacy, they bring complementary skills to lead the foundation and promote justice by education.

Our Team

Maikel Waterdrinker

Mikael Waterdrinker


Maikel is a Dutch architect and guest lecturer at the Tecnológico de Monterrey University in Mexico. His expertise lies in sustainable design for architecture and urban planning. After gaining 14 years of work experience with recognized firms, he founded his own practice to focus on personal projects and consulting. Currently, he collaborates with a Spanish firm, where he leads design projects in Mexico and the Caribbean.
Pauline Ogier

Pauline Ogier


Pauline is a French lawyer with a double degree in International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law. After working in various Latin American NGOs as a legal advisor, project and advocacy manager, she denounces human rights violations in Latin America with an international law firm. Her areas of expertise include indigenous rights, human rights defenders, arbitrary detentions and corruption.
Miriam Pazos

Miriam Pazos


Miriam is a Mexican lawyer with more than 5 years of experience in several branches of law, such as international private and public law. She also has experience in the humanitarian and associative field as project manager and protection of human rights defenders.
Maikel Waterdrinker

Mathilde Baritaud


Mathilde volunteers for the organization, bringing with her a diverse background in sociology, anthropology, and communication. Her previous research on women's work in New Caledonia reflects her dedication to social issues and education equity. She is committed to increasing the Foundation's donations and visibility.

Our vision

Justice by Education believes that quality education is one of the most powerful and effective tools for sustainable development. Its dream is a world in which every child can develop and grow into an adult who acts as an agent that influences his/her own future. Furthermore, to become an adult with the ability and resources to give his/her children the same opportunities.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It comprises 17 SDGs that are indivisible and encompass economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) is the education goal. It aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Education unfastens the intellect, unleashes the imagination and is fundamental to self-esteem. It is the key to prosperity and opens up a world of opportunities, enabling each of us to contribute to a progressive and healthy society.

Our focus

Justice by Education focuses on 5 themes:

Equal access to education
Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to education and vocational training for the vulnerable people, including individuals with disabilities, indigenous people, and children in vulnerable situations.
Quality education
Ensure comprehensive, equitable and quality education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
Training of qualified teachers
Increase the supply of qualified teachers, e.g. through international cooperation for teacher training.
Improve school facilities
Build and upgrade education facilities that are child-, disability-, and gender-sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all.
Increase employment opportunities
Increase the number of youth and adults with relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills for employment and entrepreneurship.